Why do some pregnant women get varicose veins?

Varicose veins in pregnant woman - Dr.Abhilash Sandhyala

Varicose veins have become a standard part of pregnancy for one woman or another. It happens when the uterus put pressure upon the vein that’s responsible for carrying blood from legs to the heart.

Varicose veins cause common symptoms faced by women during pregnancy such as itching, pain, and restlessness, all. These are usually found in the rectum, legs, and genital area.

It has been observed that the varicose veins might be a hereditary problem. You could have got varicose veins from your mother or grandmother. Hence, there are just a few things that you can do to prevent it.

Before diving into what you can avoid to remain safe from varicose veins, let’s discuss some reasons why pregnant women get varicose veins.

Women face a lot of changes in their body during pregnancy. These changes directly impact veins. Although it is natural for pregnant women to go through such changes, these phases make them vulnerable to develop varicose veins.

Here are the mentioned reasons why women suffered from varicose veins during pregnancy.

1. Increased blood pressure: the amount of blood in a woman’s body increases during pregnancy, results in increased stress and expanded veins.

2. Hormonal changes: there are a lot of hormonal changes that occur in a pregnant woman’s body, and one such important hormone is Progesterone. It is responsible for relaxing the blood vessels. This change in the vascular system results in the formation of varicose veins.

3. Weight Gain: Having extra pounds during pregnancy is common. But gaining weight leads to varicose veins formation as it put a lot of pressure on the veins. Pregnant women gain weight quickly, giving no time to body to adjust itself to this sudden change.

4. Hereditary: Varicose veins can be inherited. If it runs in your family, then it is very likely that you would get them too, irrespective of your pregnancy. Even if it is genetical, pregnancy increases the risk by contributing more stress to the veins.

5. Sitting or Standing Idle: it’s a fact that not moving for a long duration of time can directly put pressure on our veins. Doctor suggests to keep moving or change positions while you sit because being tired and lazy, pregnant women are more prone to suffer from varicose veins.

The points, as mentioned earlier, clearly state the reason behind varicose veins occurrence in pregnancy. Now let’s discuss some preventive measures that can help you prevent it from happening or at least reduce the chances.

1. Don’t Wear High Heels: It is always recommended to wear flat shoes or lower heels during pregnancy. It relaxes calf muscles and fosters healthy blood circulation. If you can’t avoid high heels, then wear it for a very short duration of time.

2. Take Breaks: as discussed above, avoid standing or sitting idle for long. Even if you are at a desk job, keep taking breaks to stretch a bit and change your position.

3. Wear Maternity Hosiery: Replace your tight hosiery with maternity hosiery to keep the blood flowing smoothly from legs to the heart. It will keep the chances of varicose veins occurrence to a minimum.

4. Don’t sot cross-legged: while sitting, change your position frequently and avoid sitting cross-legged for long.

5. Keep lifting your legs periodically to ensure smooth blood circulation in your body.

6. Cut out the sodium from your diet and have a potassium-rich food instead to prevents veins from swelling.

7. Stay Hydrated: Drink 3-4 litres of water every day to keep your body more active and eat fiber-rich food to make digestion smooth.

8. Exercise Regularly: the best way to keep your body active, fit, and away from varicose veins is to exercise regularly, but before starting any physical activity during pregnancy, consult with your doctor once whether it is safe for you.

Whether you are pregnant or not, including exercise in your daily routine will surely help you prevent varicose veins and keep you healthy and fit. It is recommended to exercise for at least half an hour daily. You can break these 30 minutes into 2-3 small time slots.

Let’s have a quick look at some of the best and simple exercises to keep you get going:

1. Riding Bicycle:

Bicycling is one of the most effective exercises to increase your blood circulation without putting a lot of efforts. Including cycling in your routine will help you protect your joints, strengthen calf muscles, and promote smooth blood flow.

In case you are unable to access a bicycle daily. Still, you can do it. Lie on your back, draw your both your knees toward the chest, and keep moving them in a pedalling motion.

2. Walking

Walking is the easiest and highly beneficial exercise for people of all fitness and age levels. It will help you keep healthy blood pressure, lose weight, and strengthen muscles and bones.

3. Leg Lifts:

This is a simple stretching exercise that doesn’t require any equipment. Lie on your back, lift your leg and hold it in the air 5 seconds. Now repeat the same procedure with the other leg. It will help you stretch your leg muscles.

You can also perform this exercise while standing. Along with improving blood circulation and stretching the muscle, it will increase flexibility in your body too. To practice leg lifts in standing position, use a stable object like a stool.

If you are facing any symptoms or pain that can be a possible cause of varicose veins, then you must consult with a specialist.

Dr. Abhilash Sandhyala is one of the best vascular surgeons in Hyderabad. He is a well-known specialist for varicose veins. He has successfully treated varicose veins for more than 5,000 patients. He has been performing the ELVT procedure for the past four years with excellent results.

You can visit Flow Vascular clinic at H.No: 2-22-298/2/A, Sree Krishna Diagnostic Center Building, 2nd Floor, Beside Kalamandir, KPHB Main Road, Kukatpally, Hyderabad. You can also book an appointment on https://drabhilash.com/book-an-appointment/ or call on (+91) 99896 49498, 99590 33037.

Visit https://drabhilash.com/ to know more about the treatment options for varicose veins.

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