Uterine Adenomyosis

Dr. Abhilash Sandhyala > Uterine adenomyosis

What Is Uterine Adenomyosis?

Uterine Adenomyosis is a condition in which the inner wall of the uterus grows on the muscular tissue of the uterus. This growth is non-cancerous in form.

Symptoms Of Uterine Adenomyosis

Symptoms of this condition include heavy menstrual bleeding, severe cramps, abdominal pressure and bloating.

Diagnosis Of Uterine Adenomyosis

The doctor will firstly conduct a physical exam, which can help him detect soft and enlarged uterus. An ultrasound can be performed to make sure that the enlarged uterus is not due to other uterus related problems. The doctor can suggest a sonohysterography in which a saline solution is injected into the uterus before carrying out an ultrasound. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is carried out to confirm that abnormal uterus is due to adenomyosis. The doctor can also conduct transvaginal ultrasound to diagnose this condition, in which, he/she will insert a wand-like device into the vagina to study the pictures captured on a computer screen.

In rare cases, the doctor can suggest biopsy to test the tissue in the uterus. But, hysterectomy is the certain way to discover adenomyosis in which, uterus is removed.

Treatment Of Uterine Adenomyosis

The type of treatment depends on the severity of the condition, pregnancy plans etc.

Anti-inflammatory medications:

The doctor can recommend non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to control the menstrual flow and pain. Generally, these drugs should be taken before
the beginning of the period and should be continued for the first few days of the period.

Hormone therapy:

This is suggested to manage the heavy and painful menstrual cycles.


In people with severe pain who are not years away from menopause, hysterectomy is the best option.

Uterine artery embolisation:

This is a minimally invasive procedure; in which, tiny particles are inserted in the blood vessels to block the flow of blood to the adenomyosis,
which in turn reduces the size of adenomyosis.

Endometrial ablation:

This minimally invasive procedure is used to damage the uterus lining, which helps in controlling the symptoms of adenomyosis.

Complications of Uterine Adenomyosis:

Untreated adenomyosis can lead to chronic anemia. Heavy and painful periods can cause problems in your personal and professional life.

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