What Are The Complications If Varicose Veins Are Not Treated?

Varicose veins are bluish-purple, bulging, unsightly leg veins which are typically more than three millimetres in diameter. In some cases, these veins are asymptomatic, whereas in others they may cause certain symptoms, such as leg pain or cramping, a heavy feeling of fatigue in the legs, and swelling of the ankle.

If left untreated, varicose veins can result in several complications that may range from the trivial to the extremely serious. If your leg is already swollen, your varicose veins complications may be more severe. In this article, we’ll discuss what could be the complications of untreated varicose veins and when to worry about varicose veins. 

Here are some of these complications…

  1. Changes in the skin: Most often, the skin near an untreated varicose veins will turn shiny and will take on a darker, bruised pigmentation. It will also feel waxy and thin and is easily disturbed and is delicate enough to be damaged even by a slight bump. Heavy bruising is quite common and can be a consequence of untreated varicose veins. While this is not a serious health risk, many patients will feel rather self-conscious about the appearance of their skin. Also, dermatitis due to untreated varicose veins can cause infection of the skin.
  2. Itching: This is one of the most common symptoms of varicose veins. If the varicose veins are not obvious and visible, this can be treated as dry skin. This itching sensation can be treated by over-the-counter skin salves and ointments. However, it is important that you seek the opinion of a specialist to ensure that there are not more serious issues happening beneath the skin.
  3. Swelling: Because blood is not being pumped properly from the legs to the heart, varicose veins occur, with stagnant blood collected within them. This may result in leg swelling, restlessness, and even a burning sensation.
  4. Cramping and Pain: Due to the fact that varicose veins affect the flow of blood through the veins, oxygen does not reach the proper areas. This results in muscle cramps near the site of the vein. These cramps are very painful, quite debilitating, and can also affect mobility.
  5. Bleeding: When varicose veins close to the skin burst, bleeding may occur. This is also what happens when you hit a varicose vein. While this may not be a very serious risk, it is important that you seek medical assistance and treat the varicose veins, so that bleeding does not continue and become more severe.
  6. Ulcers: An ulcer is a break in the skin, which is dangerous due to bacteria and infection. These ulcers can be caused by long-term fluid build-up in the tissues surrounding the varicose veins. These ulcers are slow healing and painful and can occur due to simple scratching of the skin over the varicose veins. Is it important that you treat your varicose veins before an ulcer occurs, because the latter will not heal easily, resulting in further health complications.
  7. Superficial Thrombophlebitis: This takes place when a blood clot forms in a vein that is close to the skin. This causes it to swell and push against the superficial layer of the skin (dermis), making it visible. This causes discomfort and can also lead to several complications, as the veins are vulnerable to damage and irritation.
  8. Deep Vein Thrombosis: Due to stagnant blood flow and varicose veins, a blood clot can form in the deep veins, known as Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). These blood clots found in deep veins can travel through the bloodstream to the lungs, resulting in potentially life-threatening issues. This is one of the most serious health risks and complications of untreated varicose veins.
  9. Lipodermatosclerosis: This illness causes varicose veins to appear. Those suffering from this disease have pain, hardening of the skin, changes in skin colour, swelling, and tapering of legs above the ankles. Immediate varicose vein treatment is imperative and in severe cases, surgery may be necessary.

So, these are some ways in which varicose veins are dangerous. Improving your circulation and muscle tone can prevent varicose veins from occurring. Also, you can exercise; watch your weight; eat a high-fibre, low-fat diet; avoid high heels and tight hosiery; elevate your legs, and change your sitting or standing position regularly, to prevent varicose veins from occurring.

The good news is that even if you suffer from varicose veins, there are several minimally invasive treatments available to treat them. It is important, however, that you consult the right varicose veins specialist. One such specialist, located in Hyderabad, India, is Dr. Abhilash Sandhyala of the Flow Vascular Clinic.

Dr. Abhilash Sandhyala is an expert in Endovenous Laser Treatment (EVLT), which is a safe, minimally invasive treatment procedure for your varicose veins. He has successfully treated thousands of patients using EVLT. The latter results in less infection, shorter hospital stays, and quick recovery time.

If you have varicose veins and need to consult a specialist, consider consulting Dr. Abhilash Sandhyala. He will meet with you for a detailed initial consult, where he will patiently understand what you are going through and the kind of treatment you need. He will also explain what EVLT is and whether it is right for you.

He will work with you individually and holistically and will ensure that your varicose veins are treated in the best manner possible. So, don’t wait any longer, consult with Dr. Abhilash Sandhyala, and be free of varicose veins and their possible complications.

For more information about varicose veins and their complications, as well as the treatment for DVT, or other vascular conditions, contact Dr. Abhilash Sandhyala at (+91) 9989649498 or 9959033037, or at contact@drabhilash.com or visit our website at www.drabhilash.com

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