Measures To Prevent Varicose Veins After Treatment – Dr.Abhilash

Painless treatment for varicose veins

Recurrence of varicose veins remains a challenge even today and despite there is a vast technology development recurrence of varicose veins has been observed in up to 80% of patients in a recent survey. Weak or damaged valves can cause varicose veins. The factors that lead to recurrence of varicose veins are difficult to spot and handle from then. Several factors can increase the chance of varicose veins. The most common factor is their family history.  Varicose veins tend to appear on women more than men.

Veins have thin valves to keep blood flow moving in one direction towards the heart and if the  valves doesn’t do that then it causes varicose veins.

 What are varicose veins? 

Varicose veins are veins under the skin of our legs which become bulged. Varicose veins are common among people because of the major hereditary and gene issues. There are no common symptoms seen or felt when you are affected by varicose veins and predicting recurrence of varicose veins is not possible. Varicose veins are not that painful but sometimes they cause mild-to-moderate pain.

Predicting and preventing recurrence is yet a difficult task however there are ways to approach and stop from spreading.

Reasons for varicose veins:

Pregnancy: It is very common for pregnant women to develop varicose veins during their pregnancy. Even with a successful pregnancy, varicose veins will remain the same and there will be no change in it. There is a change for it to enlarge because of the increasing blood volume in the uterus part. It is also said that women experience hormonal changes during their pregnancy and there is a change of being a risk, especially during multiple pregnancies.

What are the symptoms?

Many people have no symptoms at all from their varicose veins except the fact that the veins will develop and you have to bear with the strange appearance. Leg swelling is a major symptom seen among many people. Although over the upcoming years varicose veins can get bad, this happens gradually. The high pressure in the veins can cause severe damage to the skin near the ankle, which can become brown in color, leaving white scars behind. 

The major factor and cause for the varicose veins will be based on your hormonal changes, lifestyle balance, and your daily exercise routine. Smoking is a primary factor for varicose veins. It is advisable to stop smoking and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

How do you treat varicose veins?

Treatment for varicose veins typically starts with the right treatment which can be possible with the right medical treatment and wearing stockings regularly without fail. It is very important to explain your pain and body conditions & symptoms to the doctor so that they can analyze and give treatment accordingly. Treatment options include Sclerotherapy, thermal ablation or phlebectomy. It is important to be evaluated by a vein specialist who is an expert and will symptoms and prevent skin issues. They are only effective if you have worn it regularly and this is very helpful. Even after the treatment, some patients experience recurrence and the reason is their lifestyle issues work with you to treat the root cause for your varicose veins. If recurrence of veins does occur in your body again, it typically takes several years for the new one to occur. Stockings are very effective in controlling.  The person with varicose veins will feel pain in the varicose vein, along with swelling and redness around the area. 

We have got some good news too: Varicose veins don’t always cause problems. Varicose veins lead to discomfort and unbelievable pain in your legs and muscles. Veins carry blood to your heart and if there is the issue in flowing that majorly causes varicose veins and the main reason is that you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle that’s very important. Until you have varicose veins you will have a lot of problems and uncomfortableness in your body. Here are few general measures as follows

  1. Prepare for the pre-surgery visit

Before starting the surgery it’s important to visit the doctor once and get all the procedures and precautions before the surgery. If you didn’t understand its better you can ask them again.

  1. Avoid prolonged periods of sitting or standing

In this fast-moving world, when you’re employed at an organization you will be required to sit in a system and keep working for a very long time or you might be in a job where you need to keep standing. Whatever is the situation, take some long breaks or find time to relax.  If you do this, your leg muscles will properly circulate blood and there will be issues in your body too. If you have to stand a lot in your job for a day then you can lookout for a job change because your health is more important.

  1. Exercise regularly

Exercise is the key. Wondering how? They help your veins push maximum blood to your heart. This can help you cure varicose veins quickly. Remember any good leg exercises are what all you need.

  1. Lose weight if you are overweight

You are placing more stress on your legs if you’re overweight or obese. Apart from varicose veins, there are a lot of benefits in losing your excess weight from your body.  You can also escape from heart diseases, stroke, and diabetes. Losing weight can help you save yourself from varicose veins.

  1. Living a healthy lifestyle – Nothing better than this

Varicose veins can happen based on the factors that you can never make a judgment or perception. The important thing is not to damage your veins and let it circulate blood properly and opting for a healthy lifestyle.

Obesity is always a danger for your body. Include food with high protein, fiber and potassium. Avoid food with salt. Drink as much water, water is necessary to keep your body hydrated. Start a healthy diet and include food with more potassium.

Treatment for varicose veins cannot happen in one day, remember that. Each patient has their own health conditions and lifestyle. When you decide to visit a hospital, you’ll be required to meet a vascular specialist who will work with you to choose a treatment that can help you recover better. The right treatment from the right person can help you cure everything. Choosing a medical provider is not that easy. There are many clinical centers. It is better if you understand which is better and then contact them for a speedy recovery.

There are multiple treatments available for varicose veins. Varicose veins don’t cause any major problems however the goal of taking treatment is to reduce all the minor problems caused by varicose veins. Here are few simple things that you can follow:

  1. Start a healthy diet plan which is high in fiber.
  2. Avoid tight clothing as much as possible.
  3. Early morning walking is very important.  The more active you are, the healthier you become.
  4. Avoid going for long drives, it might cause severity in varicose veins.
  5. Avoid wearing high pointed heels. Use compressed stockings recommended by the doctor.


If varicose veins are too large, they may need to be removed surgically from a physician. This is usually done under general anaesthetic. In most cases, the patient returns back home on the same day but if the surgery is required on both legs, then they can take rest for a day and then return back


To remove the varicose veins, the doctor will perform a physical test on you, by looking at your legs and examining the level of the swelling and the reason for the swelling. Your doctor may also ask you to specify the pain areas and how it actually feels to understand better. There are a lot of good medical centers that will offer consultations with some vascular specialists. Vascular specialists are mainly specialized in veins and they know much better and they can guide you well. They completely understand your situation and provide a resolution accordingly. 

There are lots of effective solutions that can prevent varicose veins. It is best to avoid standing or sitting for long periods and instead take breaks and end the night by giving good relaxation to your legs. Healthy lifestyle and a proper exercise will also drastically help you bother from varicose veins. 

Varicose veins are generally progressive and cannot be prevented and cured entirely. But remember confidence and healthy lifestyle is the key. Keep going!

Dr. Abhilash Sandhyala is one of the best vascular surgeons in Hyderabad. He is a well-known specialist for varicose veins. He has successfully treated varicose veins for more than 5,000 patients. He has been performing the EVLT procedure for the past 4 years with great results.

You can visit Flow Vascular clinic at H.No: 2-22-298/2/A, Sree Krishna Diagnostic Center Building, 2nd Floor, Beside Kalamandir, KPHB Main Road, Kukatpally, Hyderabad. You can also book an appointment on https://drabhilash.com/book-an-appointment/  or call on (+91) 99896 49498, 99590 33037.

Visit https://drabhilash.com/ to know more about the treatment options for varicose veins.

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