Is your sleep affected by varicose veins?

Vascular specialist in Hyderabad

As you may know, varicose veins are enlarged, swollen, and twisting veins, appearing blue or dark purple. They most commonly appear on your legs and happen when faulty valves in the veins allow blood to flow in the wrong direction or to pool. It is estimated that about 10 million people in India suffer from varicose veins. 

While in some cases, varicose veins are asymptomatic, in others they cause significant discomfort and even pain. This occurs more so at night. This is because you have spent the entire day on your feet and this causes the blood to pool in the veins. When you sleep, there is increased pressure in the leg from leaky valves and weakened vein walls. This causes leg pain at night. There can be nothing more frustrating than aching and heavy legs at night, preventing restful sleep. 

In severe cases, patients suffer from something called Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS). RLS is extremely common and is characterized by leg throbbing or pulling. Symptoms of RLS occur primarily at night when you are resting or sleeping, with increasing severity as the night goes on.  

It is preferable to prevent varicose veins as they are difficult to treat. You can prevent varicose veins through simple remedies, such as exercising; watching your weight; eating a high-fibre, low-salt diet; avoiding high heels and tight hosiery; elevating your legs, and changing your sitting or standing position regularly. 

However, if you do suffer from disturbed sleep due to varicose veins, there are certain remedies that can be used to mitigate leg pain during sleep at night. Some of them are: 

  1. Elevate your feet

    Raise the foot end of your bed by three to four inches. You can do this by putting a pillow or folded blanket underneath your mattress. The elevation should not be bulky, but should only be enough to raise your bed a bit. This will help relieve the pressure on the veins in your legs and will let gravity get blood back to your heart. 

  2. Start winding down earlier in the evening

    If you’re one of those people who are active right up until the time they jump into bed, you need to follow a different routine. Try winding down earlier in the evening. You can put up your legs and relax, so that your veins calm down before you actually go to bed. You can also try a leg massage before you go to bed to help the circulation in your legs and to prevent pain later on. 

  3. Do some yoga or gentle exercise

    While you should not indulge in heavy exercise close to bedtime, some gentle stretching and some yoga can help you relax and can improve blood flow. 

  4. Drink plenty of water

    Ensure that you are properly hydrated right through the day, rather than only at bedtime. This will improve your circulation and reduce night pain due to muscle cramps caused by varicose veins. 

  5. Eat a healthy diet

    Your diet should be full of vitamins, minerals, and macronutrients. This is key to improving overall health, vascular health, and improved blood circulation. If you have varicose veins that are keeping you up at night, you can consult a nutritionist in order that you get an effective diet prescribed just for you. 

  6. Stretch out your muscles

    Tight and constricted muscles prevent the healthy circulation of blood and lymphatic fluid throughout the legs. You should perform several simple stretches to prevent tight muscles that ache and cramp, especially at night. 

  7. Get your vascular health checked by a specialist

    If varicose veins are keeping you up at night, you should get a complete checkup by your vascular specialist. This will give you a clear picture and you can start the right treatment for your varicose veins. 

There are several treatments for varicose veins and your vascular specialist will explain them to you during your consultation. However, one of the painless treatments for varicose veins is Endovenous Laser Treatment (EVLT). This treatment, also called laser treatment, can be useful if you suffer from chronic venous insufficiency with severe pain in your legs at night.  

You should try the tips suggested in this article to improve your blood circulation and reduce leg pain, especially at night. However, if your pain persists, you should definitely consult a vascular specialist. One such distinguished vascular specialist and interventional radiologist, is Dr. Abhilash in Hyderabad, India. His mission is to provide personalized, high-quality healthcare to all his patients.  

So, the next time you, or someone you know, suffers from varicose veins or some other vascular condition, you know whom to consult. You can consult Dr. Abhilash, the best vascular specialist in Hyderabad. He will treat you in a way that is best and tailored for you. So, you don’t need to worry about varicose veins…the right treatment is close at hand! 

For more information about pain at night due to Varicose Veins and treatment for Varicose Veins, DVT, or other vascular conditions, contact Dr. Abhilash Sandhyala at (+91) 9989649498 or 9959033037, or at contact@drabhilash.com or visit our website at www.drabhilash.com

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