Impact of Damaged Vein Valves on Health

Valves in the veins of your legs control the direction of blood flow. If these valves are damaged, blood can pool in your veins, causing swelling in your legs. This is called chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). If this is not treated immediately, fluid may leak into the tissues of your ankles or feet. This may eventually cause your skin to break down and wear away.

Varicose veins may result due to CVI. When blood is not able to flow back up to the heart, it begins to reflux or pool, resulting in twisted, enlarged veins, called varicose veins.

Not only will damaged vein valves affect the local area, but they may also have a very real impact on overall health. In this article, we’ll talk about the impact of damaged vein valves and varicose veins on health.

Swelling of the leg:

When pressure builds up within the veins, it results in fluid leaking into the surrounding tissues of the leg, causing swelling. If you experience a tight sensation on your skin, as well as an impression left on your skin when you remove your socks and footwear, you may have swelling of your leg. In severe cases, your shoes may not fit and your leg will become very swollen. The skin may also leak a yellowish fluid. If the swelling persists, it may result in changes in the skin, such as a change in skin colour, or a hardening of the skin. You can treat swelling of your leg in the initial stages by elevating your leg and wearing compression stockings. If the swelling does not reduce, you should consult a vascular specialist.

Skin infection:

Your body’s natural defense against infection is compromised when your tissues are stretched due to swelling. Cellulitis may occur, which is due to bacteria that are normally present on the skin getting into your body. The swelling may increase and there will be an area of redness and warmth. If you have a skin infection due to CVI, you need to treat it immediately. If your swelling reduces, this may reduce the skin infection.

Skin ulcers:

The swelling and stretching of tissue due to CVI and varicose veins, may result in skin changes over time. When this occurs, the skin tissue is unlikely to heal even from minor injuries. This happens because the swollen tissue can limit the flow of nutrients and oxygen to the damaged tissue, thereby delaying and preventing healing. The constant tension on the skin may also delay healing, thereby causing non-healing skin ulcers.


Due to CVI, there is a large amount of blood right below the surface of the skin. There could be a significant amount of bleeding if the vein is hit or cut. If the skin is not broken there may be distinct bruising beneath the skin surface. It may also take longer than usual for bleeding to stop if the vein is injured.


Blood is more likely to clot due to damaged vein valves, CVI, and varicose veins. A certain number of patients will develop blood clots. Due to this, the affected area becomes painful and warm to the touch. Also, the vein becomes hard.

Deep Vein Thrombosis:

Some people who develop blood clots in varicose veins, may have clots in the deeper veins. This condition, called Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), is very severe and requires immediate treatment. The leg is swollen, red, warm, and painful. The most severe side effect or risk of DVT is that the blood clot in the leg can dislodge and travel to the lungs, causing a pulmonary embolism, which is a life-threatening condition.

If you have CVI, varicose veins, or DVT, you need to consult your trusted vascular specialist immediately. Dr. Abhilash Sandhyala is a renowned interventional radiologist and varicose veins specialist in Hyderabad. He is one of the top varicose vein doctors in Hyderabad. He is an expert at treating CVI, varicose veins, and DVT.

One of the safest treatments for CVI and varicose veins is Endovenous Laser Treatment (EVLT). A study by Elmore and Lackey has confirmed a success rate of about 98% with EVLT. You need EVLT if you have varicose veins, you wish to remove ugly and enlarged veins, you have circulatory problems because of CVI, and you cannot opt for varicose veins surgery due to other health complications.

Dr. Abhilash Sandhyala treats each patient as an individual and in a completely holistic manner. He is an expert vascular specialist practicing in Hyderabad. He will deal with your vascular problem to maintain and improve your health. He is adept at dealing with the most complex vascular problems in a compassionate and comprehensive way.

So, the next time you have itching and burning in your legs, or some other symptoms that make you suspect you have CVI, varicose veins, or DVT, do not hesitate. Get in touch with Dr. Abhilash Sandhyala and experience the best vascular treatment possible. Here’s to improve overall health!

For more information about how damaged veins valves can impact overall health, as well as the treatment for Varicose Veins, DVT, or other vascular conditions, contact Dr. Abhilash Sandhyala at (+91) 9989649498 or 9959033037, or at contact@drabhilash.com or visit our website at https://drabhilash.com/www.drabhilash.com

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