How can Diabetes affect my Feet?

How can Diabetes affect my Feet?

The diabetic condition can generally increase the risk of foot problems. An extremely high blood sugar level is generally associated with the serious complications in people suffering from diabetes. Your feet are at high risk while suffering from diabetes. The condition that can affect your feet during diabetes is diabetic neuropathy and peripheral vascular disease.

Diabetic Neuropathy

High sugar levels are usually linked with uncontrolled diabetes and can cause nerve damage. Nerve damage can interfere with your ability to sense pain and temperature. This condition is generally referred to as sensory diabetic neuropathy. Diabetic patients with sensory diabetic neuropathy may face problems in their feet, but will not notice it.

Around 10-15% of the diabetic patients will have foot ulcers due to peripheral vascular disease and nerve damage. Diabetic patients will not be able to sense the sores or cuts on their feet that may cause infection. Nerve damage may also have an effect on the function of foot muscles that may lead to improper alignment and injury.

Peripheral Vascular Disease

Poor blood circulation is generally observed in diabetic patients. Inadequate blood flow in your body can increase the healing time for cuts and sores that appear on your feet. A condition that involves compromised blood flow in the arms and legs is referred to as a peripheral vascular disease.

Infections will not heal on time due to the poor blood flow. This condition can eventually increase the risk of other disease conditions like ulcers and gangrene. In case of inadequate blood supply, tissue death is noticed in the localized parts of your body.

Common Foot Problems in Diabetic Patients

The common foot problems you may face due to the high blood sugar levels include the following:

  • Athlete’s foot


Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection that can cause itching, redness and cracking. Cracked skin, itching and redness are generally associated with athlete’s foot. The fungus can enter the cracked skin and can complicate the situation. Athlete’s foot should be considered a medical emergency to avoid complications. Oral medications and topical creams are usually used to treat athlete’s foot.

  • Fungal nail infection


Nail infected with a fungus may get discoloured, thick and brittle and get separated from the rest of the nails. These symptoms are common during the fungal nail infections. The infected nails generally crumble and there is an increased risk of nail injury. Nail fungal infections can be treated with early diagnosis. Oral medication works well for nail fungal infection. Topical treatment is not as effective as the oral medications.

Diabetic foot infection is common is common in both men and women and can cause diabetic foot pain in most of the cases. For diabetic foot treatment in Hyderabad, you can consult Dr.Abhilashsandhyala. The cost of diabetic foot surgery in Hyderabad is reasonable and the treatment can be done at competitive rates. If you are experiencing diabetic foot problems it is recommended to consult your doctor for early diagnosis and treatment.

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Categories: vascular disease
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